Dr. Loren Kozak and Dr. Carla Kozak, NDs
Mischa Kozak, RMT
Providing integrative healthcare to the Kootenays since 1984
What's new
May 18, 2020

We are happy to be able to provide in person care to our community again. For your safety and ours, we have implemented new COVID-19 office protocols.
DO NOT COME TO THE OFFICE if you have: fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, body aches; if you have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19; or if they have been out of the country in the last 14 days. Instead, please call 811 for information related to COVID-19 testing.
Please sanitize hands prior to entering the office- hand sanitizer is provided at the door
To limit waiting room congestion:
Patients appointments will be spaced out
Patients are asked not to bring any extra people with them to their appointment
Patients are asked not to arrive early to their appointments
Please continue to pre-order your supplements
We will continue to offer Telemedicine (phone and virtual appointments) to those who prefer it and do not require any in-office physical exams
We are doing enhanced cleaning and sanitizing as per BCCDC and Work Safe standards
Please bring your own mask if you have one and would like to wear it. Masks are available if needed.
Practitioners or staff will be conducting regular self-assessment and will not be working if they feel unwell.
Your doctor will be wearing a mask for any interactions requiring contact within 2 meters.
For payment options, we prefer using direct billing, or touchless payment options such as etransfers or credit card tap. Cheques and cash will continue to be accepted if needed.
March 2020

We are now offering direct billing through Telus eHeatlh. Insurance companies covered include: BPA, Canada Life, CCWU, Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan, Johnston group, ClaimSecure, Cowan Insurance Group, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian, GMS Carriers 49 and 50, Group Health, GroupSource, Manion, Manulife Financial, Sun Life Financial, Telus AdjudiCare. Come in a bit early for your next appointment to fill out the required form.
December 2018- Janaury 2019

Please note changes to holiday hours.
The office will be closed the following days: December 23-26, December 29- January 1, and January 5 to 13. Regular office hours resume January 14th.
The office will be open December 27-28 from 9-5pm and January 2 (9-1pm), January 3 (9-5pm, and January 4 (9-1pm).
November 2018

Stop in to get your massage gift certificates. Give the the gift of health and relaxation this holiday season.
October 2018

Office hours have been changed while Dr. Loren is away. Sorry for any inconvenience. Dr. Carla is available to cover Dr. Loren's patients while he is away.
May 2016

Dr. Loren Kozak is the first certified practitioner of Opus 23 in Canada.
What is Opus23?
Opus23 is a software program that interprets raw genomic data from 23andme, a service company that performs genomic analysis and reports their findings back to you. At the Center of Excellence (COE), we then take the raw data from 23andme and run it through Opus23. Opus23 then ‘translates’ the raw genetic data into clinically relevant and important information that the COE staff physicians can then use to institute preventive or therapeutic actions.
October 2014
We offer a variety of intramuscular injections to target your health concerns: immune boosting, energy boosting, and weight loss shots. They are quick, effective and affordable.
January 2013

Interested in losing weight? Now offering a hormone based weight loss program for fast, effective, and sustainable weight loss.
November 2011
Now certified in prescriptive authority
June 2011
The Clinic welcomes Dr. Carla Kozak, ND into practice following maternity leave.